Battery Magnets: Scrap Yards and Recycling

Features of the Moley Mag II (ESB)

• No Generator Needed – scrapyard electromagnet system runs on a 24-volt battery
• New Heavy Duty 32″ Deep Wound Magnet Available
• New Heavy Duty Steel Enclosure
• Simpler & More Reliable Mag Control System
• Optional Pistol Grip Controller
• Various Sizes Available (18″, 26″, 32″, 36″, 40″ & 48″)
• Simple to Install
• Extremely Dependable
• Inexpensive to Acquire

Product description

The Moley Magnetics Battery Magnets – the cutting-edge solution for efficient and eco-friendly scrap metal handling. Engineered with advanced technology and top-grade components, these magnets are the ultimate choice for scrap yards, railroads, recycling centers, and metal processing facilities.


Key Features:

  • High-Power 12V System
  • High-Power 24V System
  • High-Power 12/24V System
  • The Moley Magnetics Battery Systems are powered by a state-of-the-art DC controls. They provide exceptional lifting capacity and consistent performance.
  • Eco-Friendly Operation: With a focus on sustainability, these magnets contribute to a greener environment by reducing carbon emissions and minimizing the use of fossil fuels. The battery system ensures an eco-friendly work environment without compromising on power and performance.
  • Heavy-Duty and Durable: Built with premium materials and a heavy-duty design, these magnets are built to withstand the harshest conditions of scrap yards and industrial settings. The robust construction ensures a long lifespan, reducing downtime and maintenance costs.
  • Superior Lifting Capacity: Equipped with powerful magnetic circuits. The battery magnets can effortlessly handle large and heavy ferrous materials, streamlining your scrap handling processes and improving productivity.
  • User-Friendly Controls: The magnets are designed with intuitive controls, making operation easy and efficient. Operators can quickly learn to use the equipment, maximizing productivity and reducing the chances of errors.
  • Versatile Handling: From small metal components to large steel fragments, these magnets excel in handling various types of ferrous scrap materials, providing versatility to adapt to different applications.
  • Space-Saving Design: The design of the Moley Magnetics Battery Scrap Yard Magnets allows for easy integration into your existing scrap handling equipment, optimizing space utilization in your facility.
  • Low Maintenance: Thanks to the quality craftsmanship and durable components, these magnets require minimal maintenance, saving you valuable time and resources.

Embrace the future of scrap metal handling with the Moley Magnetics Battery Scrap Yard Magnets. Benefit from their powerful performance, eco-conscious operation, and ease of use, taking your scrap yard operations to new heights of efficiency and sustainability. Upgrade your scrap handling equipment today and experience the difference that Moley Magnetics can make for your business.


No generator is needed to power the strong & efficient Moley Mag II (ESB).

Our battery powered scrapyard electromagnets are ideal for scrap and demo industries. This magnet is the least expensive magnet while still offering a very strong magnetic field. It offers all the power you would expect from a scrap yard magnet without the hassle of a generator. These systems are designed to be compatible with either 12-volt or 24-volt vehicle charging systems. They are also ideally suited for scrap applications where a high duty cycle is needed. Due to their unique design, our  scrap magnets don’t get hot and lose lifting ability.